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Duration | 1:58

Category | Medicine, Env. Protection

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

First round of Singapore’s Healthier me 21-Day Challenge ended with success

The first round of the "Healthier me 21-Day Challenge" in Singapore has ended. Many participants showed significant health improvements after going on a whole food plant-based diet for 21 days. Some participants even recorded their own experiences in videos and posted on social media platforms. The volunteers also created a song for this programme to encourage everyone to embrace a plant-based diet. During the 21 days, the volunteer team cared for each participant and provided assistance and guidance to them whenever needed. After completing the challenge, the physical changes and medical reports of the participants have proven that they have made the right choice.  

Healthier me 21-Day Challenge participant: Can’t believe I lost 5kg. 

Healthier me 21-Day Challenge participant: I no longer suffer any angina chest pain.  

Healthier me 21-Day Challenge participant: My friends noticed that I have better complexion now. 

The first Singapore edition of “Healthier me 21-Day Challenge” has ended successfully! It is scientifically proven that controlling our appetite and developing a plant-based dietary habit is beneficial to our health. Participants who are active in social media also recorded the entire process themselves.  

(Footage from “Call Me Liong” social media platform) 

I can’t wait to go home for lunch. This is steamed brown rice. These are steamed veggie. It was too tasteless for me initially. However, after adjusting my mindset, I found that I can still eat it.  

During the 21 days challenge period, besides caring for the participants from time to time, the organising team also compiled the nutritional facts of the bento for each day as a reference for the participants. Most of the participants who completed the challenge witnessed improvements in their health.  

Tzu Chi Singapore resident doctor, Dr. Tan: These two participants had slightly high blood sugar level. After completing the 21-day challenge, both their blood sugar level is back to normal.  

Healthier me 21-Day Challenge participant, Lai Shiew Mei: I had high blood pressure. After having these healthy meals, my blood pressure is now maintained at a healthy and normal level.  

Healthier me 21-Day Challenge participant, Sim Siew Hua: The blood test report won't lie. I need to go for a follow-up medical consultation every year, and the doctor would compare last year's (report) with this year's result. After looking at it, the doctor asked me, "Your blood test showed you have lost 5kg. How did you do it?" I told (the doctor) that I am on a whole food plant-based diet. Thus, this showed that the challenge has been excellent.  

(Footage from Veg21 MV) 

Volunteers had specially composed this vibrant "Healthier me 21-Day Challenge" song to encourage everyone to eat healthily and find joy in adopting a whole plant-based diet. 

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